welcome from Pastor Tim Bowen

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5014 – 49 Street

Olds, AB T4H 1H3

our community

We are a Church family that is committed to loving God unreservedly,

loving our neighbors as ourselves and having Christ as the head.



Our Goal is to love one another and demonstrate this love to the world.


Of one another’s faults; of who we are as people with all our shortcomings.


Walking in forgiveness towards others and receiving forgiveness from the Lord.

join group

Wednesday at 6:30 Bible Study Meeting at the Church.

We have an online prayer group at 7:00 P.M. if you would like to join. Please email admin@newhopeolds.com

Ladies Bible Study – If you would like more info please email admin@newhopeolds.com

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Here at New Hope, we offer a unique experience on Sunday mornings.

Our services take place in an informal relaxed atmosphere where we sit at tables.

Typically we begin with Music & Singing and then follow with the Pastor’s biblical insights.


1 John 3:18 (NIV) 18

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

It is a simple thing to read a scripture as the one above, but it is another to attempt to live and walk it out as a person. This is a tremendous goal to try to attain. At New Hope we strive to create an environment where we all – leadership and layperson alike – work together towards this common goal of authentic love. It is our desire at New Hope to shine the light of Jesus within our services and then throughout our communities by:

Sharing of the Word

Worship Services Blending Contemporary & Traditional

Biblical Teaching & Discipleship

Sunday School for Kids



It is our vision and heart to be used by God to bring a revival of Christ’s Love to our neighbors in Olds, AB, Mountain View County, and to the world.

We invite you to be a part of what God is doing here at New Hope.

Guiding Words for Living

“People see God every day they just don’t recognize him.”

“Don’t tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is.”

“God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world.”

New Hope Pentecostal Fellowship